What Should I Wear?

The MOST asked question. The greatest struggle. Something flattering but comfortable. Neutral colors but not falling into the boring beige category. The struggle is REAL y’all and I’m here to provide a step by step guide on what you should wear to your photo session.

eagle idaho couples photos

What You Should NOT Wear

Let’s begin with what you absolutely should NOT wear. Now this can really depend on what kind of session but for the most part this will apply to all situations. I highly recommend avoiding striking patterns or neon colors that are distracting and high contrast. Don’t wear that one outfit that’s been tucked in the back of your closet and forgotten about for years. If you’re a jeans and sweater girly… you do not have to be a sundress girl. Avoid logos. Don’t experiment with new makeup looks or grab those tennis shoes that should probably be thrown away.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way let’s hop into the nitty gritty of what your wardrobe choices should align with!

Keep It Simple & Classy

I always tell my people that you can never go wrong with basic staple pieces such as a black maxi dress or a button down shirt. Colors that I’d recommend are solid, muted colors with earthy tones, mute gem tones, black, taupe and cream. These photograph beautifully with the surrounding landscape.

For girls, wear your hair how you like it! A little curl always adds volume. Avoid heavy eye makeup and keep things light and simple. Wear simple jewelry that compliments your outfit. A sunhat or a bouquet of flowers is a fantastic accessory/prop as it gives you something to hold and pose with.

Guys, leave the caps and sunglasses out of the picture! Dress for confidence. A nice watch or a felt hat are great accessories for photos.

Color Coordinate

Not only does coordinating outfits make your photos look adorable… it’s also really fun to match with your loved ones. You don’t all have to wear the same thing but opting for similar color schemes is great! As you can see in the photo above, this family dressed in mustard yellows, light and navy blues, with splashes of white.

Flatter Your Shape

Wear clothes that compliment your figure and fit well! This is best for photos and boosted confidence! Research what types of styles are most flattering for your particular body type. It’s not only about looking good, but feeling good too!


The best thing you can wear to your session is a smile! Now that you’re all equipped and ready to go pick out some amazing outfits go out and be who you’re destined to be! Be yourself and I’ll look forward to capturing photos that tell your unique story!


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