Eagle Foothills Senior Session

Zoe & Grace Photography

I recently read a list of certain feelings and the specific words that define them. One of the words was “sonder.” Sounds like somber and sound blended into one word. It’s defined as the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

Everyone has a story.

I get this sonder feeling during sessions sometimes. Especially after asking questions about what senior’s plan are for after highschool. Here they are, standing on the precipice of doing real life. Leaving adolescence and being plunged into adulthood. There’s so much unknown. So many plans. I barely know most of the seniors I photograph aside from the questionnaires and short conversations but I once was in that season of life.

It was only a couple of years ago that I graduated from my online highschool and had on my mind many of the same things going through most senior’s.

“What is my calling?” “What do I want to do with my life?” “Who do I want to be?”

I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to have it all figured out at 17 or 18 years old. Your whole life is going to be the entire process of figuring it out. You’re not alone as you go through life. We all live quite strikingly similar stories that are riddled with difficulty, pain, joy, wins, and losses.

The answer to all of your questions finds it’s ultimate answer in the Lord Jesus. He is the one who gives eternal purpose to our lives. From beginning to end, Jesus is the Author of each of our stories. He comprehends all of our days and He leads us in accordance to His sovereign will.

So as you contemplate the next season of life, rest assured that God holds your entire life completely in His hands. He is not an arbitrary or fickle God. His love and faithfulness endures. He Himself is the answer. Turn to Him.

eagle id senior photos
boise id senior photographer
idaho senior pictures
eagle id senior photography
eagle idaho senior photographer


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