The Art of Storytelling

light & laughter - family portraits

I’ve always craved good stories. I love telling good stories and I love hearing them. What makes my heart skip a beat however is when I get to document them. We’re all living in the greatest story ever told.

It’s real easy to get wrapped up in the mundane and just going through the motions that we forget to see the beauty in the smallest of things.

God likes to work in the miniscule though. He likes to move in the ordinary ins and outs of life. He manifests His glory in the smallest of ways that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle.

It’s a challenge to draw out the little details that mark our relationship with others around us.

A challenge I gladly accept. :)

Photography ought to be another expression of indescribable emotion. Somehow it is the catalyst for freezing emotion and motion into a tangible thing. A good photo tells a story but a great photo captures the soul.

eagle idaho family photography
idaho family photographer
idaho family photographer

Why Locations Are Important


Eagle Foothills Senior Session