Elegant Golden Hour Session

Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles. This evening was one of those instances.

Golden sunshine lighting up the grassy hills. Setting every stem alight in all of their splendor. A sea of gold. An abundance of light catching the wisps of hair, the horses tails, and giving everything a warm airy glow. Dreamy. Blissful. Full of elegance.

BUT you wouldn’t be able to tell by the resulting photographs that huge thunderstorms had been building on the horizon the entire afternoon.

I may have said a little prayer for the weather… or a couple of little prayers for that matter.

horse family pictures idaho

Something I have pondered lately is the uncertainties that make up our days. My weather app predicted thunderstorms the entire evening. It was going to be windy, dark, and not ideal for taking pictures of horses or people.

Yet, not a single drop of rain fell on us during this session. The clouds parted, the storms rolled around us, and the light shone brightly. It was beautiful.

It reminded me of Jesus.

When life’s uncertainties are dark and discouraging; we have a living hope. The Lord Jesus! The light of the world who offers us mercy and boundless grace. The One who never changes holds our lives in His hand. He is the peace in the middle of the storms. The light in the darkness.

eagle idaho family photography
idaho horse photography

So with that lovely truth as our foundation there is great joy in noticing little miracles. Getting to photograph this sweet family and their precious animals was a privilege of mine and I’m thankful for evenings like this one where everything goes beautifully. Surely it isn’t always the case but there’s always grace.

This session was filled with pony kisses, puppy snuggles, wildflowers, laughter, and God’s beautiful authorship of abundant life! Getting to tell stories of the love that binds families together through memories frozen in photographs is a great joy.

idaho equine photography
idaho family photographer
idaho family photos
family pictures with puppy
horse family pictures idaho

“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” -John 8:12


Equine Blessed